Automating the compilation process with Makefiles

This exercise requires students to reason about the compilation process and automate this process with Makefiles.


In this exercise, you must produce a Makefile script that automates the compilation process carried out manually in the previous exercise, i.e., for a program that contains two source files (file1.c and file2.c). The final file to be produced must be named prog.x. For this, you must create a rule for each intermediate file, until you reach the final file.

You might test your script executing the following commands:

make file1.s
make file2.s
make file1.o
make file2.o
make prog.x

These commands must generate, respectively: the assembly code for file1.c and file2.c; the object files file1.o and file2.o; and, finally, the executable file named prog.x.

Notes and Tips

  • This link provides information about make and Makefiles.